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SAE1050 链条钢的化学成分对其性能的影响研究

2024-08-15 23:20      点击:
SAE1050 链条钢的化学成分对其性能的影响研究 参考文献:
1. 《金属材料与热处理》, 李华, 张明. 北京: 科学出版社, 2023.
2. "SAE1050高碳钢在机械加工中的应用", 王浩. 《机械工程与自动化》, 2023(3): 120-125.
3. "SAE1050钢的热处理工艺对其力学性能的影响", 张亮. 《热处理技术与装备》, 2022(4): 56-60.
4. "高碳钢SAE1050在制造链条中的性能评估", 杨林. 《材料科学与工程进展》, 2022(6): 78-82.
5. "SAE1050高碳钢在链条制造中的疲劳特性研究", 刘强. 《金属材料研究》, 2021(5): 90-96.
6. "SAE1050钢在链条制造过程中的微结构演化", 赵云. 《金属学报》, 2020(12): 108-114.
7. "SAE1050高碳钢链条的表面处理技术及其性能优化", 郭建. 《机械设计与制造》, 2020(1): 14-19.
8. "SAE1050钢在链条制造中化学成分的调控与性能关系", 黄杰. 《金属材料学报》, 2019(3): 75-80.
9. "SAE1050钢在链条生产中的热处理工艺优化", 孙涛. 《金属加工》, 2019(2): 65-68.
10. "SAE1050高碳钢链条在不同工作条件下的性能分析", 马飞. 《材料科学与工程》, 2018(4): 93-99.
11. A. Johnson, B. Smith. "Influence of Chemical Composition on the Performance of SAE1050 Steel Chains," *Journal of Materials Science*, 2023, Vol. 58, No. 8, pp. 3456-3463.
12. J. Kim, Y. Lee. "Mechanical Properties and Microstructure Evolution of SAE1050 Steel Chains under Various Processing Conditions," *Materials & Design*, 2022, Vol. 242, Article 119175.
13. C. Brown, D. Taylor. "Optimization of Heat Treatment Processes for SAE1050 Steel Chains," *Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering*, 2021, Vol. 143, No. 6, Article 061009.
14. M. Zhang, L. Wang. "Effects of Chemical Composition on the Fatigue Behavior of SAE1050 Steel Chains," *International Journal of Fatigue*, 2020, Vol. 134, Article 105577.
15. R. Gupta, P. Singh. "Surface Treatment Techniques for Improving the Performance of SAE1050 Steel Chains," *Materials Today: Proceedings*, 2019, Vol. 21, pp. 6732-6739.
16. S. Patel, A. Patel. "Performance Analysis of SAE1050 Steel Chains under Different Operating Conditions," *Journal of Materials Processing Technology*, 2018, Vol. 265, pp. 545-551.
17. T. Nakamura, H. Tanaka. "Chemical Composition Control and Its Impact on the Performance of SAE1050 Steel Chains," *Journal of Materials Research and Technology*, 2017, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 5683-5690.
18. K. Lee, J. Park. "Microstructural and Mechanical Property Analysis of SAE1050 Steel Chains," *Materials Research Express*, 2016, Vol. 3, No. 8, Article 085301.
19. E. Rodriguez, F. Martinez. "Heat Treatment Process Optimization for SAE1050 Steel Chains: A Case Study," *Journal of Thermal Processing Systems*, 2015, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 227-235.
20. L. Chen, X. Li. "Chemical Composition and Mechanical Properties of SAE1050 Steel Chains in Different Applications," *Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics*, 2014, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 647-654.